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Our energy dispatchment service from renewable sources such as wind, photovoltaic, biomethan and storage.

Through its subsidiary RenGate, Key to Energy offers a service to address the important need to facilitate and enable energy transition, in a framework increasingly characterised by small-sized renewable plants located in different areas.

RenGate is distinguished by the long-standing expertise of its professional in managing activities along the entire value chain of renewable generation and dispatching. We provide comprehensive support that includes operational management as well as commercial and contractual assistance, which is essential for securitising margins and effectively manage energy optimisation and dispatching.

Proprietary models and state-of-the-art tools are employed to optimise dispatched portfolios, thus ensuring maximum efficiency and return. Our vast experience in renewables make us offer tailored solutions addressing specific needs of our clients, as well as contributing to a positive environmental impact. RenGate is a best-in-class partner in the field dispatching renewable energy: a significant contribution to the transition to a cleaner and more sustainable energy future, focusing on efficient and responsible management of renewable resources.

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