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We are a pool of professional energy managers, traders and engineers highly specialised in the energy, gas and financial sectors, with practical experience in various utilities and financial institutions where we had direct operational and P&L responsibility before becoming consultants. Each of our teams focuses on a specific area and together they bring their complementary views and expertise to provide a tailored consultancy.

We have of a unique mix of skills gained from our direct experience in the field. We are passionate. We share our knowledge and intuition with our clients.

Orazio Privitera

Orazio Privitera



Orazio Privitera - CEO

After graduating with honours in electrical engineering, he began his career in 2000 at Assolombarda, the regional industrial association of the province of Milan, which is affiliated to Confindustria. At Assolombarda he worked on the supply of electricity and gas to consumer consortia, which were the first in Italy to have access to the free energy market. During these years he contributed to the creation of the Confindustria Consortium Observatory. In 2005, he joined Enel in the Supply & Risk Management Department of Enel Energia and then in the Power Trading & Portfolio Management Department of Enel Trade as Head of the Wholesale Unit. In 2007 he left Enel to found Key to Energy, a leading independent energy trading and risk management consultancy in Italy, of which he is currently CEO. Author of numerous publications and articles in the sector, speaker at conferences and seminars, he collaborates as a lecturer in various post-graduate master’s courses.

Riccardo Goggi

Riccardo Goggi



Riccardo Goggi - GENERAL MANAGER

He graduated with honours in engineering from the University of Pavia and has worked in the energy sector since 2001. He started his career at McKinsey, mainly in the London office. After obtaining an MBA from INSEAD in France, he joined Vodafone Italia in 1999 as strategic planning coordinator and head of investor relations. In 2001, he joined Goldman Sachs in London, where he focused on the energy sector. From 2003 to 2007 he was Executive Assistant to the COO Generation and Energy Management at Enel and then Head of the Italian Wholesale Electricity Market, managing both front and back-office activities. From 2007 to 2010 he worked at CIR, focusing on the subsidiaries Sorgenia and KOS, for which he was a member of the Board of Directors, as well as of Energia Italiana. Since 2011 he has been General Manager of Key to Energy, where he works on special projects for clients with long-term forecasting needs, financial analysis, business plans, exceptional buy-side and sell-side transactions, administrative aspects and management control.

Luigi Michi

Luigi Michi




Graduated with honours in electrical engineering, he has attended numerous executive business programmes at prestigious institutions (Columbia University, Harvard, IESE). With extensive experience in the energy sector, where he has worked in various roles since 1985, he is a full-fledged expert in energy markets and complex electrical systems, and is closely involved in the current energy transition, particularly in the fields of decarbonisation targets and integration of renewable energy sources. He started his career in the ENI Group, working on the design of turbogas power stations and the management of the related works (turnkey contracts). He then continued his career at Enel, where he was involved, among other things, in the management and development of renewable energy plants and carried out various activities in the field of grid and power transmission lines (design, construction, control). He then developed a long and intensive experience as Head of Energy Management, with responsibility for the management and dispatching of Enel’s entire Italian generation portfolio, the related sale of energy and services on the Italian market, the procurement and management of the fuel portfolio (gas and coal), as well as wholesale and energy and commodity trading activities on the European spot and forward (OTC) markets. Finally, he was Head of Strategy, Development and Dispatching at Terna, the Italian Transmission System Operator, where he was responsible for dispatching, grid planning and development, regulatory affairs, strategies, market analysis and innovation. At Key to Energy, he leads strategic projects supporting key national and European players in the energy transition across the supply chain, from production to retail.


Francesco Basile

Francesco Basile



Francesco Basile - Partner

After graduating with top marks in engineering management, he started his career at Procter & Gamble in logistics and marketing, then at Enel in portfolio management and energy trading on the OTC markets in Italy and abroad. In Enel Trade he was appointed Coordinator of the Italian Trading Desk and Cross Border Trading. He then joined Erg Group as Head of Trading and Cross-Border Activities in Italy and abroad, where he oversaw the development of the trading desk. At Key to Energy, he is responsible for providing comprehensive advice on the management of the wholesale portfolio: pricing, operations, risk management, economic optimisation in the market (both short and long term) of production and consumption assets, forecasting, market analysis, portfolio strategies, multi-year PPAs, evaluation of production assets and end customer portfolios.

Simone Corbo

Simone Corbo



Simone Corbo - Partner

After graduating with honours in Management Engineering, he obtained an Executive MBA from SDA Bocconi. In 2007 he started his professional career at Enel Trade where, after an initial experience as an originator in the Eastern European energy markets, he was appointed Power Trading Manager in charge of trading in the main energy commodities and energy and portfolio management. He then moved to Axpo, where he soon became Head of Energy Management & Trading, dealing with physical and financial trading, structured products on all energy commodities, plain vanilla and Asian options trading, customer portfolio management and the procurement, dispatching and supply of the group’s Italian combined cycle power plants. In Key to Energy, he deals with pricing, market analysis, market optimisation (both short and long term) of energy assets, PPAs, trading and portfolio optimisation and structuring strategies.

Guido Dolcetta

Guido Dolcetta



Guido Dolcetta - Partner

After graduating with a first-class degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Padua, he began his professional career in 2001 at Assolombarda with increasing responsibility in the management of consortia for the purchase of electricity and gas. He then joined Assoutility as Head of Customer Relations and Development and Energy Efficiency Reporting. In 2006 he joined General Electric Jenbacher, a leading company in the manufacture of endothermic gas engines, as Sales Manager with responsibility for the national market for cogeneration and trigeneration applications using natural gas, biogas, landfill gas and special gases. During this experience he developed analysis methods to assess the correct sizing and feasibility of plants (in the industrial, district heating, hospital and tertiary sectors). Over the years, he has followed the development of various initiatives for the generation/self-generation of electricity from conventional and renewable sources. At Key to Energy since 2011, he has been transversally involved in the business development of the group companies and has followed the integration of RenEn. As Head of Technical Consulting, he coordinates activities in the fields of energy efficiency, industrial projects and energy generation/self-generation from renewable sources and cogeneration.

Francesca Egidi

Francesca Egidi



Francesca Egidi - Partner

After graduating with honours in Statistics and Economics, she started her career in the Management Information System and Scoring of the Credit Risk Department at Citibank. She then moved to the Power Desk of Enel Trade to support activities such as power and commodity market monitoring, price forecasting, wholesale energy pricing and energy trading on Italian and foreign markets. She was then appointed Head of Cross Border Trading activities for Enel Trade on the Italian borders. She joined Key to Energy in 2009 and has been responsible for market analysis and portfolio management, including structured asset assessment projects, development of spot and forward market strategies, short- and long-term PPAs, forecasting models for renewable generation and other market drivers, content development for the K4View portal, implementation of monitoring regulations (Remit, Emir, Mifid), training. She has been involved in several long-term scenario simulation projects, both for the evaluation of investments in generation assets and for the purpose of applying to the relevant authorities for Third Party Access (TPA) exemptions for cross-border interconnectors.

Giulio Marice

Giulio Marice



Giulio Marice - Partner

After graduating in Mechanical Engineering, he began his career at the Regional Energy Agency of Liguria and continued his professional experience at AMGA Commerciale as a trader and portfolio manager after the merger with AEM Torino. He was involved in the design of energy processes, having actively participated in the development of the electricity supply chain within the Genoese utility. At ERG Power & Gas, he was responsible for portfolio management and production optimisation during the company’s entry into the electricity market. After actively contributing to the development of the wholesale business and particularly following the start-up of the Priolo Gargallo CCGT, he left the ERG Group as Head of Energy Management to join Key to Energy as Head of Operations & Portfolio Management. In addition to supporting wholesalers and producers in their core activities in the energy market, he also manages projects related to complex electrical systems such as Internal Distribution Networks (RIU), Self-Generation Systems and Efficient Consumption Systems (SDC and SSPC).

Luca Piemonti

Luca Piemonti



Luca Piemonti - Partner

He has attended executive business programmes at prestigious national and international institutions (Bocconi, Harvard, IESE). He began his career in the energy sector in 2001 at GRTN, where he was responsible for the management of interconnections and actively participated in the creation and launch of the electricity market. He then moved to Acquirente Unico (AU), where he managed relations with distribution companies during the start of operations in the AU markets. At the end of 2006 he joined Enel, where he worked until 2012 as Head of Trading and Management of the Group’s electricity portfolio in Italy. Among other things, he was actively involved in the development of OTC markets and the launch of market making activities on the IDEX market. In 2012, as CEO, he founded a start-up company, Beetwin S.p.A., active in the sale of electricity and natural gas to domestic end users. In 2015, he joined Terna, where he was appointed CEO of Terna Energy Solutions, a company active in the development of the Group’s non-regulated activities in Italy. He was also CEO of the subsidiary Avvenia (energy efficiency) and member of the Board of Directors of Tamini S.p.A. (transformer production). In 2020 he was appointed Director of Network Planning and Interconnections at Terna. He joined Key to Energy in March 2022, in charge of external relations and business development.

Massimo Poiesi

Massimo Poiesi



Massimo Poiesi - Partner

Graduated with honours in mechanical engineering, he began his career at Accenture and then at AMGA S.p.A., where he worked on development and M&A projects. He has been CEO and member of the board of directors of group companies operating in the integrated water services sector. As part of the business development of Iride S.p.A., he represented the Group in LNG Medgas Terminal, a company created to build the Gioia Tauro regasification terminal. He then became CEO of Energeya, a company that produces XDM®, an energy trading and risk management system. At Key to Energy, he has been involved in projects related to portfolio management and the implementation of operational processes, as well as the creation of start-ups in the energy distribution sector. He has also led several special projects, including the development of the enterprise platforms Rengate and K4View, and the creation of a prospective market report with long-term energy price forecasts.

Alfredo Camponeschi

Alfredo Camponeschi

Senior Executive

Modesto Gabrieli Francescato

Modesto Gabrieli Francescato

Senior Electrical System Specialist


Modesto Gabrieli Francescato - Senior Electrical System Specialist

Graduated in Electrical Engineering at the University of Padua, he started his professional experience in 2002 in the electricity transmission sector first in GRTN and then in Terna, where he held the role of Grid Planning Manager, dealing with the preparation of the development plan and market analysis and managed consultancy projects for operators in the power market. Member of the CIGRE’, he collaborated in the drafting of publications and scientific papers on technological development and strategic planning on long-term scenarios. He has gained ten years of experience in ENTSO-e (European Network of Transmission System Operators) collaborating in the preparation of the TYNDP ten-year development plans and in studies on demand scenarios and short- and long-term adequacy. He worked in synergy with Med-TSO (association of electricity transmission operators in the Mediterranean area), carrying out coordination activities on grid studies and the drafting of the 2020 Development Plan. He has participated as a speaker in international conferences and seminars on topics related to grid and market modelling and simulations on long-term scenarios. At Key to Energy, he currently coordinates the team of analysts setting up market and grid scenarios and models to support technical consultancy in the electricity and gas sector. In 2022 ARERA appointed him expert verifier of the energy scenarios and projects of Terna Development Plan.

Carlo Sabelli

Carlo Sabelli

Senior Specialist

Leonardo Zannella

Leonardo Zannella

Senior Executive

Alberto Zurli

Alberto Zurli

Senior Specialist

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