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Market Analysis & Risk Control

A comprehensive analytical approach,
with a perspective also extended to related markets

Within our area of expertise, we engage in in-depth analysis of energy markets, focusing specifically on Power and Gas markets, both spot and forward dynamics. We also extend our perspective to other related markets, such as Brent, Coal and CO2, recognising the interconnection and interdependence of these sectors.

Our working methodology is based on a comprehensive analytical approach, combining fundamental, intermarket and technical analysis with the support of the K4View portal. Analyses are aimed at:

  • providing market analysis reports to give you a clear and detailed view of trends and opportunities;
  • developping of informed and proactive market outlooks;
  • conducting regular strategy meetings;
  • publicating news in the editorial section of the K4View portal to ensure a constant flow of relevant information.

In connection with the risk management process, we identify, assess and calculate the assumed risk profile and its economic impact. For market risk management, we provide you with portfolios and risk reports describing the main portfolio KPIs and KRIs, such as:

  • Open position;
  • Mark to Market, valuations based on internally produced forward curves for the Power and Gas markets with hourly and daily granularity and based on the construction of market indices;
  • Profit&Loss;
  • Hedging ratio;
  • Value at Risk and Profit at Risk.

Our commitment to risk management is formalised in the drafting of risk management policies, but also in the development of procedures for the management of typical portfolio management processes such as sourcing or pricing, with the aim of mitigating the typical risks of these activities, including operational risk.

For our industrial clients, in the context of portfolio management, we take care of all phases of the process, from the preparation of tenders to the evaluation of supply offers, from the development of hedging strategies to alerting for indexed supply contract fixings. We support strategic decisions by conducting regular meetings dedicated to defining and updating hedging strategies based on the market view and the performance of KPIs and KRIs reported in the portfolio and risk report.

Our market analysis and risk management skills allow us to assess long-term contracts in depth, including PPAs (Power Purchase Agreements).

Finally, we offer customised training in industry and institutional settings, delving into portfolio and risk management issues to ensure full understanding and effective use of the strategies adopted.

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