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Market Consulting

Comprehensive and cross-functional support for the implementation of specific projects

A range of services aimed at all players involved in the Power & Gas supply and sales chain (Financial Institutions, Government & Regulators, Infrastructure Operators, Energy Market Operators, Sales Companies, Traders, Large & Medium Final Customers): by exploiting all the transversal competences of the company’s other specialised areas, Key To Energy is able to provide support on any topic related to energy markets, assisting in the implementation of specific projects.

Services in this area include monitoring of energy commodity markets and the preparation of price trend views, as well as alerting activities for hedging open positions, support in defining commodity buying and selling strategies, aimed at both portfolio management and prop trading, and monitoring of energy portfolio risk measures and levels.

Key To Energy’s Market Consulting also provides periodic market reporting and provides its customers with K4View, a proprietary information portal with all the necessary information for stakeholders in the energy world.

In addition, it evaluates short- and long-term PPAs and supports clients in obtaining and purchasing renewable energy certification. Based on industry best practices, it offers support in defining operational procedures in the field of energy management, and through proprietary models offers forecasting and spot and forward optimisation services to support energy and risk management activities.

The over twenty-year experience of the pool of consultants enables them to carry out feasibility studies, business plans and technical due diligence in energy projects, as well as structuring strategic positioning for clients/trade associations and presenting them in the relevant institutional venues.

The services also include the analysis of national and European policy scenarios and the elaboration of forecast scenarios and long-term simulations, using professional tools for market and grid modelling, to support the business evaluations of clients who need to identify trends and assess the dynamics of the energy system (e.g., evaluations of asset profitability in the medium to long term, benefits of self-consumption on site, innovative technologies, storage and green gas).

The activities indicated are also based on continuous monitoring of Italian and European regulatory sources, which makes it is possible to provide alerting services and elaborate in-depth analyses of regulatory developments and their impact on clients’ activities.

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